The Rainbow Warrior, emblem of Greenpeace, was welcomed to the Island yesterday by a flotilla of boats and Alianza Mar Blava, in solidarity and protest against Cairn Energy’s oil prospecting plans.


The seaborne protest will take place over the next two days, in which there will be talks on the devastating effect that the exploitation of non-renewable energy sources could have on our beautiful island.

Greenpeace will also be promoting ideas of sustainable energy and focusing on how incorporating this attitude into our daily lives means we will be able to ‘cut our consumption of oil by being more fuel efficient rather than going to ever more extreme lengths to get oil that threatens our environment.’

We are behind the campaign which aims to stop the endangerment of marine life as well as the sensitive waters around the island which have been designated by Unesco as a World Heritage Site for the marine ecosystem.

The island has already had the support of Kate Moss, Jade Jagger, James Blunt and 100,000 registered objectors but we need the support to keep growing so that Cairn Energy’s plans to prospect for oil in the Mediterranean between Ibiza and Valencia do not become a reality!

Deliciously Sorted says No! To Oil Drilling